This journal entry is similar to the letter I wrote to my Mission President, on 9 December 1998, in that it contains a few more details about one of my visits to the St. Louis Temple.

As I was looking at the beauty and splendore of the temple I thought, "This is truly a house built for a king." There are magnificant pillars, chandeliers, beautiful carpets, gold trimmings. Everything is in its finest of fine and the best of the best. I wish I could go there more often. Photographs that I've seen don't even do it justice.
At zone conference, after we went to the temple President Packer told us that the temple is a Urim and Thummin because through it we can gain greater knowledge and wisdom. This is what President said, "This earth will become like it (the Urim and Thummin). The temple is like a urim and thummin. We can look into it and learn many things. Things you have never known before." The word urim means light and thummin is perfection. That was neat what he said.
Well I learned something at the temple. It was something I already knew but it brought it more to a reality for me. I think I understand the importance and the sacredness of covenants that we make in the temple but something that stood out to me was the fact that Satan has power and if we break those covenants we will be in the clutches of the adversary. He will have power over us. But I know that if one does falter they can still come back. The way may be very hard but Christ, as the mediator, made it possible. Christ paid the penalties for our sins. He fulfilled the demands of justice and granted mercy. Something that nobody else can offer. I know that through His grace we can become cleansed.
I guess Tuesday, I was reminded of the power that Satan really has. And so through that reminder I see an ever increasing need to keep my "guard up" - to stay away from the evil and sin that is in the world. I need to continue to study the Book of Mormon every day and attend the temple as often as occassion will permit. I feel as if that is something that I need to do.
Well, after the endowment session, when I was in the Celestial Room I tried to imagine it as a place where Jesus walks. I know he must visit there often. It was neat to see everyone there. All the missionaries. Everyone looked so young. President Packer even looked much younger. The men (Elders) looked handsome and the women looked beautiful. I was so grateful to be able to be in the Celestial Room with both of my companions. I felt an overwhelming love for them. I wish I could stuff them in my suitcase and take them home.

If Kelly will humble himself and make time to read the Book of Mormon he will see a difference in his life. I can see him getting baptised but it will take some time and a bit of boldness with him. I wish I could be here to witness it.
We left him with a re-challenge to read the passages: Intro, 3 Nephi 11 and Moroni 10:3-5. He said he would and even suggested it himself. And he will pray. I hope he won't forget the Spirit that he felt and I hope he won't be afraid of it.
Well I am tired. Adios for tonight.
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